Oven Toaster Banana Muffins


My first baking escapades here on the blog started out in an oven toaster. Well, because it works wonders! And that is an understatement. Then I moved onto charcoal stove baking because I was challenging myself to make larger things like this Coconut cinnamon cake, this massive Chocolate donut and this Savoury soya cheese bread. So over two weeks ago, I was reminded again of how magical an oven toaster is because we learnt to make banana muffins from someone more experienced than we are. It was an affair of less than 5 people. It was a great time. I realise events with a small number of people with a common interest turn out more meaningful and  enriching for me. The restfulness of just working is magical. I also realise I keep saying this over and over again. The best part is we baked these muffins in an oven toaster! If you are looking to get into baking, I would recommend an oven toaster because it consumes less energy, and is so versatile (that is, your baking possibilities are endless. I have even made loaves!). So today I am sharing what we baked to show you how amazing an oven toaster can be.


What you will need:

1 ½ C. Flour

1 Tsp. Baking soda

1 Tsp. Baking powder

½ Tsp. Salt

3 Bananas, mashed

½ C. Sugar

¾ Tsp. Cinnamon

1 Large egg

1/3 C. Cooking oil

½ Tsp. Vanilla

¼ C. Brown sugar (Optional)



  1. You can omit the brown sugar if you do not like overly sweet muffins.
  2. Make sure to scoop just one spoon into the paper muffin cups to avoid overflowing when they bake
  3. Place the muffins close to each other to keep the shape while baking in the toaster.



  1. Peel the bananas and set aside.
  2. In a blender, combine the bananas, sugar, egg, oil and vanilla and blend till pureed.
  3. In a separate large bowl, Combine all the dry ingredients (flour, baking soda and powder, salt and cinnamon) and set aside.
  4. Pour the banana mixture in the dry ingredients while mixing till a fine batter forms.
  5. Using a spoon, scoop the batter into paper muffin cups.
  6. Place in toaster and bake for 8-10 minutes or until the muffins turn golden brown.


Tell me below, do you own an oven toaster? What do you usually make with it? Also you can easily double (or triple) this recipe to make muffins you can keep for a week (If they haven’t consumed already!).




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