Rain and Summer


It’s been raining a lot lately and there is something about rain that is so serene and calming to the soul. At least I think so I am particularly a sucker for the after-rain(you know after it rains, the whole environment looks and becomes  peaceful and calm…like its been washed clean).DSC09366f It always puts me in a contemplative mood and sparks my dreams of living in the Italian countryside (while baking brick oven bread(I die!)DSC09f364, sipping tea and crocheting. Ha!). I have had my fair share of rain. From the surprising ten minute rainfalls to violent terrifying typhoons that last almost a week. From  loud hail storms to the rhythmic  rainfalls that make you want to sleep like a child.  I have had them all. As long as I’m indoors and I’m not being rained on,  I heart rainfalls. The beautiful clean feel after it has rained is the most calming and the crystal clear raindrops on plants and flowers…ah! Should I go on? What little natural thing makes you feel at peace?

Someone asked me this week how my summer was so far and here is how I responded “Um…its fine haha…quite boring” He advised me to find a way to make it fun and worthwhile. I have a vague outline of what I’ll be doing. But I will be definitely be getting back on crocheting. The last time I crocheted something meaningful was way back in high school(I know. I also wonder!). I want to try some really complex patterns. I would also like to try weaving. I know I sound so way out of my head but I have been dreaming of weaving so much lately. I will also be writing proposals for my business(entrepreneur right there) and giving them out to potential funders and probably work on a new design  for Rare Beauty. And I just got my first summer job. It’s not big but its promising and motivating too. What are your summer plans?









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