The Lord Who Loves


I have been away for two weeks(!) for a much needed break off things(things!) and It has been a good one. Bee super busy the last week (valentines season ha!) trying to get our brand established and ready to go(will get into details much later) and I can happily say that with the Lord’s help, it was successful(Very). The other day I was reading this chapter and this verse caught my attention. It is comforting and really heart-warming to know that we serve a God of the whole human race. A God who doesn’t discriminate and loves unconditionally. I hope this verse blesses you as it blessed me.

Have a great week.



2 thoughts on “The Lord Who Loves

  1. I love this. It seems like there are so many divisions, so many camps that try to claim God for themselves and use him as a battering ram against others–but He loves us, all of us, unconditionally. Such a great reminder.


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